Automatic Facade Cleaning System

The Problem

India is a newly industrialised country (NIC) which means that it is a home to the rapidly growing commercial and private sector.In the last decade or so, more than 5000 towers have been built in Delhi-NCR itself. This gives us a rough estimate of how many facades have to cleaned and wiped every week. The possible problems that can arise are:
  • Casualties: Every year multiple casualties occur during facade cleaning of high-rises
  • Stakeholders: Without automation there are multiple stakeholders at stake, with workers been a liability to the company due to the nature of the job.
  • Cost: The existing cost of buying and managing cradles is a recurring cost to the company
  • Optimisation & Time: Workforce is inefficiently allocated to a task that can be automated.


The solution

Aligned with the government's Make in India initiative, the revolutionary Smart Spider is a breakthrough in the facility management industry, which will add efficiency to the overall cleaning process and eliminate human risks in all respects. The entire cleaning process is controlled and managed by a wireless radio signal-based remote station that oversees the movement and operation of the Smart Spider.

The remote-controlled machine comes equipped with the most advanced technology-driven features, comprising relevant cleaning equipment such as bristle roller, nozzle sprayer, water pumps, and forward & reverse mechanism, among others. Smart Spider is also capable of retrofitting to existing cradle platforms in addition to offering a wide range of benefits from all-weather availability to privacy for the occupants.


Need for Automation

Need of the hour

To decrease the cost incurred from manual facade cleaning and maintenance
To make the cleaning of facades more efficient, secure and accurate
The need for better optimisation in the field of facade cleaning
Ensuring the safety of the workers who work at great heights to clean the facade
To automate facade cleaning, increasing scalability and efficiency

Facade Cleaning System

Our Advantage

Currently there is no product that can substitute ours.
We own a provisional patent for this product. Filled under the patent office of India as of 3rd of July 2020.
As of 16th of April 2020, we have received a 60 orders request, and are in talks with some clients in Sri Lanka, Singapore and Dubai.
The cost of production is not very high and reasonable for our customers.
It's a product that the consumer would support.